Letter: McCarthy can’t win debt ceiling fight

I watch Speaker Kevin McCarthy tell President Joe Biden that this is what’s going to happen with the budget, or we will default on U.S. debt.

I ask myself, what if President Trump was still in office, Nancy Pelosi is the Democratic Speaker who just went through 15 days of voting to become speaker and made concessions to 20 radicals in her party to get the speakership. She walks in Trump’s office and threatens him with default if things are not done exactly the way the 20 radicals in her party want them done.

Trump would laugh in her face! He’d tell her, “Hey Nancy! I didn’t sell my soul to 20 radicals! You did! Tell them I told them to get lost!”

Biden needs to say the same thing to McCarthy as well. The Republicans are good at complaining about everything. They are just unable to function in the majority.

They are real good at ousting their own speakers! Newt Gingrich, John Boehner and Paul Ryan were all thrown out by their own party. McCarthy will not survive this fight either. He will be gone by the summer, when default becomes imminent. Biden needs to rub his face in the mud just like Trump would have done to Pelosi if the shoe was on the other foot.

President Bill Clinton used to say don’t pick fights you can’t win. McCarthy has done just that with this fight over the debt ceiling.

Jeffrey Perine



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