Letter: Nine voter groups reflect real electorate

The Pew Research Center’s political typology (formerly the Times Mirror typology) is a political spectrum model updated every few years to reflect recent changes in the American electorate. These changes represent nine typology groups of voter profiles organized into coalitions within the Democratic and Republican parties. Racial inequality was found to be the most divisive issue between the different groups.

• Republican Coalition

Faith and Flag Conservatives: highly conservative and supportive of school prayer, military over diplomacy but oppose legalized abortion and same-sex marriage.

Committed Conservatives: emphasize pro-business views, international trade and small government and are less likely to support false claims of electoral fraud.

The Populist Right: highly conservative, anti-immigrant and oppose the role of government and big businesses in American society.

The Ambivalent Right: younger voters that lean conservative on economic and race issues but lean moderate on social issues.

• Democratic Coalition

The Outsider Left: younger liberal voters who are skeptical of the political system and both major political parties.

Democratic Mainstays: liberal economically and socially moderate.

Establishment Liberals: highly liberal and loyal, seek compromise and hold an optimistic view of society.

The Progressive Left: younger and highly liberal who believe the scope of government should “greatly expand” and that the institutions of the U.S. need to be “completely rebuilt” to combat racism.

Stressed Sideliners: a low interest in politics and are not strongly associated with any political ideology.

We now have a political identity that the system uses to define and identify the electorate more broadly than just being Democrat, Republican, conservative, moderate, left-wing, right-wing and so on.

Candidates beware. The campaign rhetoric maybe be turned toward the electorate. Guess who I am?

Bob Proby

Shawnee Township


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