Letter: Bathroom policy costs Elida its voters’ support

I have been toying with the idea of this letter to the Elida school administration, but when I read Don Stratton’s opinion last week that so closely follows mine, that was it. So for what it is worth, here it is: Have you lost your minds?

School board and administrators, what are you afraid of? If the restrooms are such an issue, let the transgenders have their own. They have a right to their beliefs, as I do. But whatever the transgenders want to believe, and even if they have the surgery and medications, they are still the gender they were born with, masculine or feminine. To have them use the bathroom of those us who are still straight is wrong, wrong, wrong, and so many problems will come of that, including loss of public support at the ballot box.

I intend to vote no on the levy for the school if I hear this idiocy is allowed to proceed in the boys’ and girls’ bathrooms. The children are in the middle of this problem, and I am afraid they are the ones who will suffer, but that is the only way it seems that gets attention from you.

So those in the Elida school district, voice your opinion and then use the ballot box.

Frances Strayer



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