Letter: Snow heroes much appreciated

I have to thank our neighbors for keeping our drive cleared with our recent snowfalls. I had recent surgery and my husband has a bad back, so without Ron and Nancy Davis and Brian Neff, we would have been snowed in.

Kindness abounds in our Woodbriar Subdivision as everyone helps each other.

Kathye Poling,

Bath Township

My snow heroes are my grandson John, who clears my driveway, and granddaughters Shelby and Jesse who grocery shop for me. A thank you to Felicia Clark, The Lima News carrier who delivers the newspaper right to our door.

Diana Miller,


We would like to give a shout out to our neighbors, Tom and Carrie. They have been removing our snow since we moved in a year and a half ago. We were always able to do for ourselves but at some point age becomes an issue. We appreciate their help.

Dan and Nancy Bradford,


I have a snow hero but I am not sure who it is or I would thank you in person or by phone. You did my walks and driveway on Feb. 11 on Whippoorwill Avenue. It was really appreciated.

Susan Maus,


I think the community needs to recognize Mike Melvin, who supports so many veterans and sees to it that their needs are met in this winter weather all over town.

Nancy Buchanan-Harper,


My snow heros are Larry Volbert, Dave from Quick As A Wink, and Tamara and John Foley. They took care of my driiveway, front sidewalk by the street, sidewalk to my house and in the back yard and made a path for my doggie to potty ! I so appreciate them.

Sharren Douglas,


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