Letter: Vote Biden if you want …

If you believe in trickle down, more wealth, and less taxes for the top, with more debt for our children, vote for Donald Trump. If you want to invest in infrastructure while providing good jobs, vote Joe Biden.

If you want to risk Medicare and Social Security vote Trump. If you want to streamline Medicare and continue Social Security vote Biden.

If you want future generations to experience fires and flood, while remaining in debt, vote Trump. If you want to continue being beholden to the fossil fuel industry vote Trump. If you believe that we have no better answers to fossil fuels than to continue burning carbon vote Trump.

If you believe in clean energy, vote Biden. If you want to keep our country strong by working with our allies, while developing stronger alliances, vote Biden. If you believe that children brought to the U.S. deserve a shot to earn their right to be here legally and pay taxes, vote Biden. If you believe we are stronger when we recognize our strengths, as well as the strengths of others, while looking for ways to work together, instead of flaunting only our military power, vote Biden. If you believe in caring for people in true need instead of people with greed, vote Biden. If you want a plan to decrease illness and deaths from the coronavirus, without closing down, vote Biden.

If you want a healthcare plan that enriches private for-profit health insurance companies and continues money schemes designed to enrich without healing, vote Trump. If you want a healthcare plan that includes justice and cost effectiveness vote Biden.

Chris Elstro, Lima

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