Letter: 275 words to describe Trump

I am pondering how to express my viewpoint in the 2020 presidential election with The Lima News’ 275-word limit in the Your View feature? It’s tough. Which points do I use?

• Trump’s early refusal to take the Covid-19 virus seriously enough. His “I take no responsibility” response, putting action off on governors. His refusal to follow health experts’ advice to MODEL mask-wearing & social distancing. His early failure to support a national testing plan. 200,000+ American deaths and a current rise in cases for half of the states.

• Trump’s disrespect for government employees, from the FBI to the military. Did he say those who had died in service were “losers” and “suckers”?

• Trump’s lack of concern for black deaths caused by a number of improper police actions (usnews.com). His racist, white supremacist associations (advisers, Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon). His rejection of the need to reform police departments and the criminal justice system.

• Trump’s corruption (1) by withholding Congressionally-approved funding for the Ukraine in return for a political favor, (proved in the Impeachment hearings), (2) “Fourteen aides, donors, advisors indicted or imprisoned” over the past 3.5 years (abcnews.com)

• Trump administration decisions to pollute air, water, and deplete public lands for the sake of business and political gains. Trump’s denial of science and rejection of climate change. (National Wildlife Federation, Oct.-Nov. 2020)

• Trump’s failure to release income tax records, failure to pay adequate taxes for years, and huge personal financial debt that risks our national security. Is this why he is so friendly with Putin, someone who can help, who has helped in the past?

There are more, but I cannot address even all of these concerns.

Carol Gibson, Lima

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