Letter: Trump knows (just ask him!)

Last Friday, the White House occupant suggested that he would have thrived in the medical profession. He said,” I like this stuff, I really get it.”

He went on to sight a genius uncle that taught at MIT, saying that greatness must run in the family genes. In one of his infamous lies, he said doctors were amazed that he knew so much about the medical industries. A deeper look into the greatness of Donald Trump would reveal that he also knows more about the generals regarding ISSI. He says that he knows the tax laws better than anyone, knows debt better than anyone, went on to say that he knows more about banking than anyone, understands money better than anyone, knows more about trade than anyone, claims that no one in the history of America, knows more about infrastructure than he does. Space in this letter will not permit me to list all the endeavors that Donald Trump knows better than anyone.

I’m just hoping that those that worship this man and believe his every word will have enough knowledge to pass on the idea of Mr. Trump performing a lifesaving procedure on them simply because, he says he knows the stuff better than anyone. Knowledge is a dangerous thing when you are the only person that thinks you have it.

Charles Thomas, Lima

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