Letter: Vote ‘yes’ for Elida schools

As both an alumni and now a teacher at Elida High School I have seen the dramatic changes a new school can provide. As a student of the old high school I remember the difficulty getting from one end of the building to the other and the only computers being located in the library or single computer lab. Now, students are able to easily navigate through the building with ease and with the technology in the new school students are easily able to access computer resources in any classroom. I also remember dressing in layers, just in case of the large temperature differences in the building.

As a teacher, I hear firsthand from my current students, who were also in the old elementary, talk about the poor shape of the current building. Bathrooms with wooden doors that do not lock, the small size of the classrooms, and eating lunch in a poorly lit gym. These students remember walking to the modulars in the rain and snow when they changed classes. Those former elementary students are now excited to see some of the changes that the elementary greatly needs and deserves.

My husband and I live in the community with three little ones that will attend Elida Local Schools. We are excited for the opportunity for our girls to go through the same great school district that we were fortunate to attend. We want them to receive the best possible education in the best possible environment. Please join me May 8th in supporting our students, our future and our local schools and vote yes.

Erin Johnson, Elida