Letter: Vivian Green made a world of difference

I want to thank The Lima News for the lovely article on Antelle Haithcock. Whenever I think of Antelle, however, I also think of Vivian Green. More than an aunt, Antelle always called Vivian her “second mom.”

From the time Antelle was born, Vivian dedicated her life to her. She was always there for Antelle — supporting her in the hard times and being a cheerleader in the good times.

Vivian never sought awards or recognition. Her gentle kindness and unwavering faith were the trademarks of a humble woman — always content to remain in the background and serve.

Antelle was so blessed to have had Vivian in her corner and I am so privileged to have shared her friendship for more than 30 years.

The world was a better place with Vivian Green in it.

Jane Whitney-Clark, Lima