Letter: Help Elida be what it can be

My husband and I are blessed to live in a neighborhood that we love. It’s the kind of neighborhood where the sweet lady behind us brings over cookies and the gentleman across the street thoughtfully snow blows our driveway. If you drive down Malibu, you’ll probably see my son and I practicing his numbers with chalk, or maybe you’d catch him playing soccer with his dad. It’s ideal, it’s everything we wanted.

However, there is one troubling fact about my voting precinct/neighborhood that concerns me for the upcoming May 8th election. Past school levies asking for new money have not been supported. As a stay at home Mom, I understand the importance of stretching every dollar. When I saw how affordable the new school is going to be (approximately $18 more/month for most homes in our neighborhood) it was a simple decision to vote yes. The value that a new elementary would add to our community is worth the $18 sacrifice each month.

So I’m asking my fellow neighbors, and neighbors just like mine throughout the Elida school district, to support the new elementary school levy. Because there’s a little boy, on Malibu Drive, who’s working hard on his numbers, and he has a new baby brother following in his footsteps. Will those little feet walk through the same elementary school that I walked through over 25 years ago? Or will they learn in a new, state of the art environment? In my opinion, they deserve the best education possible, in a new school, in the best school district. I’m raising future Bulldogs who will make our community proud. Won’t you please support us?

Katie (Ulrich) Cox, Lima