Letter: Shame on you, George Will

The headline on George Will’s Feb. 22 column in The Lima News was “Billy Graham a man of the word.” These words in no way reflect the snide, arrogant cheap shots in the column itself. Will chortles, “Billy Graham was no theologian.” As a true man of God, he had little regard for the petty divisiveness of hair-splitting theological issues. He simply wanted to show people what was necessary for them to spend eternity in heaven.

Of all the demeaning and ill-advised remarks in this column, perhaps the most execrable is “Graham’s preaching to large audiences gave comfort to many people and probably improved some.” George, please revisit any of the thousands of rallies all over the world and count, if you can, the numbers of persons of all ages, races, and cultures who eagerly made their way forward to be saved. Note also the follow-up procedures always in place for help and continued guidance for the new converts.

Another slam by Will accuses Graham of “almost always” being concerned with Republicans. Conveniently, Mr. Will doesn’t mention Graham’s interactions with Democratic Presidents Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, and Clinton! Space does not allow further examination of the lengthy and vitriolic harangue by the author, but in small print at the end, The Lima News’ disclaimer, as always, states that this column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of their editorial board, or that of AIM media. I surely hope not!

I didn’t even mention the pathetic and ill-conceived timing of the piece, only one day after this great man’s death!

Lloyd Harnishfeger, Pandora