Letter: Teach our kids to think

As a 12- to 15-year old newspaper carrier, I delivered The Lima News from 1968 to the 1970s in the Shawnee Road, Wilson Avenue area.

In 1968, I started watching Firing Line with William F. Buckley. While watching his program I concluded that I was Al Ayn Rand fan minus the atheism philosophy and theology. I read “Atlas Shrugged” and the “Fountain Head” and found her reasoning wanting as I grew in knowledge. I learned more about the 2000-year history of the Catholic Church and the wisdom and failures that Christ said would happen.

As of the last year or so, the editorials and headlines reflect the corrupted world view, ignoring us college educated and hard knocks school that I grew up in as well as insulting broad-minded readers that are left with any hint of Augustinian and Thomas Aquinas training in how to think and not what to think.

I pray and hope that our children and grandchildren will come to their senses and search for the truth as our forefathers understood natural law and Judeo-Christian law and philosophy instead of the spirit of the age.

God Bless America.

Dirk Sauer, Lima