Letter: Tired of waiting for NFL to stand up for the flag

I put off writing this letter in the event my patience would be rewarded. Apparently I was wrong.

Players in the NFL are still kneeling, holding hands, etc., instead of standing with their hand over their heart, facing the flag during the national anthem. Their continued pathetic display of disrespect for my national anthem and flag under the guise of protesting social injustice issues and the like has gotten out of control.

Although I do not disagree with the issues they claim to protest, they definitely need addressed for sure, but in my opinion as well as millions of other Americans, that is not the time or place.

I am a third-generation veteran on both my father’s and mother’s sides who is honored and proud to have served my country. I am personally appalled by the blatant disrespect that has been going on since last year.

I have intentionally, adamantly and very proudly refused to watch one snap of NFL football this year. I am compelled to take a seat in a restaurant without a good view of the TV in case a game is on. It becomes easier and easier as the weeks go by.

In eight short months, my son will become the fourth generation to proudly serve his country, and I couldn’t be prouder. All the more reason to never watch another game.

Don’t get me wrong, I do miss it somewhat, but I am too proud of a man and a veteran to look the other way and be okay with what I believe is wrong. As far as I’m concerned, the NFL stands for No Freaking Longer. Stand up!

David May III


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