Letter: Putnam Council on Aging a true asset

In the spring of 2016, my parents, Leonard and Leona, made the decision to give up their keys and no longer drive. As a result, my siblings and I took on a major additional caregiving responsibility that included transportation to medical appointments, social events, and religious services. Even though we were already involved in their day-to-day care and also trying to keep them in their home, we quickly realized how challenging it can be to juggle the responsibilities of our own careers, children, and grandchildren.

We needed extra help!

The Council on Aging was there to help. They have been like another doting sibling in helping us with our parents’ medical appointments.

Initially, we were quite anxious. We did not know what to expect. Any anxiety was quickly erased. The drivers were polite, personable, compassionate, and sensitive. Mom and Dad quickly embraced the personnel, realizing that they had only their best interests in mind. The Council on Aging have been 100 percent prompt and even shown considerable flexibility in last-minute changes to appointments.

The staff at Council on Aging runs like a thriving, efficient small business working with older adults and family needs. They have a genuine interest in making a positive difference for our Putnam County’s older adults. I am completely trusting in their ability as a valuable asset in dealing with the transportation needs of those that we love. They are a remarkable resource that offers a great service for our community.

This is why I am asking you to please join me in voting yes for the Council on Aging.

Dale Bruskotter, Ottawa