Letter: Dave Belton is Mr. Shawnee

Dave Belton is seeking re-election as a Shawnee Township Trustee, and I’m happy to endorse him.

Dave’s genuine desire is to serve the community in which he has lived for 54 years. After graduating from Shawnee High School, Dave chose to pursue his professional training here in Lima. He then spent over 28 years as a firefighter in Shawnee Fire Department, retiring as the fire chief in 2003 .

The breadth of Dave’s community service encompasses leadership roles in charitable outreach, his 52-year church affiliation, and his participation on Task Force LIMA, seeking to ensure the health of our local economy. In addition, Dave Belton and I have served together in the Shawnee Optimist club for years: posting American Flags throughout the community on holidays, tutoring children in the schools, and serving pancakes, among other projects that support that children within the community.

If that weren’t enough, Dave’s two consecutive terms as a trustee show that he is the clear choice. Dave has proven leadership, experience and commitment. Let’s continue this tradition of service to the Shawnee community by re-electing Dave Belton as Shawnee Trustee!

Linda Haycock, Lima

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