Letter: Tax plan a pig with lipstick

Donald Trump and the GOP finance lawmakers must all be closet cosmetologists. They have created a “pig” of a tax reform bill and are trying to dress it up with as much lipstick as they can find. Anyone old enough to remember Ronald Reagan’s voodoo economics will recall how badly that trickle-down economics plan failed. This is the same failed economics plan from 40 years ago.

Now, our current president, who wouldn’t know the truth if it kicked him in the head, wants us all to believe that giving all these tax breaks to businesses and the wealthy is going to create jobs and higher wages. How does he plan to force companies to do that? Many companies are already making truckloads of money. Look at how high the stock market has risen since 2009. But, look at how wages have stagnated for the last 40 years. Coincidence? I don’t think so. The “trickle down” wages and benefits that occurred only fell as far as the wealthy’s own pockets.

If companies weren’t enticed to increase wages and benefits over the last four decades, what makes anyone think this latest trickle-down economics bill will do anything different. Like they say, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. And the current tax reform bill is not only insanity, but if it passes, it will be a “golden shower storm” on the middle class and elderly of biblical proportions…and not a cloud in the sky.

Larry E. Donaldson, Elida