Letter: Put the brakes on RTA funding

Years ago the RTA (Allen County Regional Transit Authority) hardly had enough gasoline to run the buses around the flagpole in the public square of Lima.

Then they got a huge amount of money and went out and bought every size bus ever made and every color ever made and now they can’t afford to run the buses again.

First it is called Allen County, so why are the buses going to places like Findlay, Columbus and Dayton. Don’t we have the V.A. to take people to Dayton and other organizations to take people places?

You expanded the bus routes to go out 10 to 15 miles to pick up one or two people or nobody.

We see these buses at 10 p.m. with nobody on them. Why?

Nobody could run their homes this way.

We can’t spend and spend and ask for the taxpayers to bail us out.

So think before you vote to give the RTA more money!

Donna Layton, Lima