Letter: The smart votes are Adams and Magnus

It is election time, and as usual, false and misleading statements are flying around from some candidates in an effort to influence voters. As a former City Councilor who has worked with many of them, I would like to dispel two particular statements published in this newspaper.

Incumbent Teresa Adams was, in my opinion, the most well-prepared and responsive member of City Council during our four years as colleagues. Her opponent’s quote, “I’ve heard a lot of people say, ‘I’ve put a phone call into Ms. Adams and she has not returned my calls.’ I feel like she picks and chooses who to work with.” This is completely out of character with the Ms. Adams I know (“Adams versus Dixon: Consensus with 1 exception”, 10/3/17). I highly dispute its veracity.

Next, First Ward Councilor Todd Gordon was quoted, “We (Council) don’t make ordinances, we basically vote on the administration spending money” (Gordon kicks off 1st Ward re-election campaign, 9/14/17). Section 24 of the Lima City Charter specifically states that “The legislative powers of the City, except as reserved to the people, shall be vested in a Council.” The most basic qualification of an elected official is to know what their office entails. From experience, I can assure you that being a Councilor is far more complex than voting yes or no on a budget. If Mr. Gordon believes his role is simply voting for the administration’s initiatives, then my former constituents would be well-served to vote for a candidate that will truly represent their interests.

I encourage voters in the First and Fifth Wards to support Teresa Adams and Ray Magnus for City Council this November.

Kurt Neeper, Lima