Letter: Insanity in Bath Township

For 20 years Roy Hollenbacher has been a Bath Township Trustee. Roy says he works to save the township taxpayers money, but I beg to differ.

Bath can utilize the office of the Allen County Prosecutor for legal services. Instead Roy Hollenbacher hires private attorneys, mostly Mike Rumer. I believe Bath has spent somewhere around $100,000 for legal work that could be done for $0.

At the insistence of Hollenbacher, Bath hired Deputy Sheriff Shawn Feldner to assist with zoning and for EPA work concerning the landfill on Sandusky Road that the trustees had foolishly purchased. Bath Township has spent seven times as much to have a deputy assist than they were paying the zoning inspector.

Only a change in management (trustees) will change the situation. Two new trustees are required if anything is to change. Anything less, with an expectation of change, is insanity.

David O. Smith, Lima