Letter: Attack of GOP lacks substance

I read with interest Larry Donaldson’s crie d’ coeur regarding the awfulness of Republicans in general and Donald Trump in particular. If Larry’s views are a bit outside the political mainstream, it must be understood that as a union official at the Lima Tank Plant, he spent years marinating in the intellectual sludge spewed out by the UAW International.

While Donald Trump can be criticized for many things, placing a low priority on defense spending isn’t one of them. Because of his policies in this area, our prospects at JSMC have brightened considerably. Many of my laid-off coworkers have been recalled to work, and while Larry, now comfortably retired, may see this as a bad thing, none of them are complaining.

Trump’s other accomplishments include green lighting the Keystone and XL pipelines, a move that has created thousands of well-paying unionized construction jobs. Larry probably disapproves of that too.

By contrast, as we examine Barack Obama’s tenure in office, we find a record unblemished by success. Barack’s bumbling ineptitude in affairs both foreign and domestic has created a train wreck for his successor to clean up. Rather than berating Donald Trump, Larry should pity him.

— Doyle H. Phillips, Jerry City