Letter: The Lima News: unfair, no balance

I was offended and disgusted by the cartoon published in the Lima News on June 18th that put the blame on the Left for the violent political culture in this country.

Certainly, fair and balanced is not a tenant of this newspaper:

• No mention of U.S. Rep Clay Higgins, who called for America to hunt and kill Muslims;

• No mention of Scott Roedan who killed Dr. George Tiller in his place of worship in cold blood, after watching Bill O’Reilly slander Dr. Tiller for months on his program, calling him Tiller the baby killer.

• Nothing about Tea Party groups who burned Obama in Effigy;

• Or the 19 year old white supremacist who shot 9 people in their prayer group in a church in S.C.

Of course there are extremists on both sides, so why not be fair about it. You only give fuel to people who are not willing to read beyond what you print.

Then, right below the cartoon is the column by the “Libertarian in residence” who seems to be suggesting that we arm all Americans. Sensible gun control is not taking your guns away. And arming everyone just eliminates the possibility of discussion or diplomacy in our interactions with others.

Isn’t it interesting that when Gabby Giffords, a female Democratic representative, was shot, coverage of that unspeakable act did not receive near the coverage or rhetoric as this attack on a white Congressman.

Sherri Eley, Lima