Letter: Time to pick Trump’s successor

Looks like Trump’s impeachment is a done deal for one reason or whatever. We need to be thinking about what we expect from our next president.

I think another $800 billion stimulus package would be a nice way to start. I missed out on the first one. I didn’t get my share. Did you?

Open borders aren’t so bad. They allow cheap labor, vegetables and drugs in. We don’t need to worry about terrorist groups anymore. Our college campuses are terrorists training camps when the students don’t agree with the speaker scheduled for a lecture.

We may want someone more organized and not so sloppy when handling classified government information. A foreign government should have to put a little effort into hacking our secrets.

The $8,000 for the first-time home buyer, to get them started, was generous. Maybe I could move on up too?

Schools feed the children breakfast and lunch. Why not send a little something for supper, just in case mom and dad forgot?

Affordable Health Insurance made it mandatory for everyone to have health insurance. Some just won’t pay. Make it fair, let the government take over for all of us, or allow us to buy what we can afford.

We should make it understood by the next leader that we don’t want any more truckloads of cash given to our enemy or guns passed out and lost and we won’t sell more uranium to Russia or any country.

Yes, and whoever is picked had better be a Democrat or we will have the whole process to start over.

After reading over this I don’t think that Trump is so bad.

Louise Smith, Lima