Letter: Public schools do it better

Betsy DeVos, came to Van Wert and said your schools are good but the bad schools are those city schools. I taught 29 years in the city schools in Columbus. Since I retired, charter schools have started up in Columbus. I wondered how the charters were going to teach these children in the inner city schools. Yes, it is a hard job to make up what some children don’t get from their parents.

I have followed the progress of the charters and I have been shocked at what the charters’ owners are doing. The owners went to our legislators. The charter owners write their own rules and the legislators OK them in return the owners pay millions to the campaigns.

After several years of comparison the charters test scores were not as good as the public schools. On line school Ecot graduated only 39 percent of its students. Columbus schools graduated 79 percent.

When this information reached the owners of charters they trotted over to the Ohio legislators and asked for lower standards for their charters.

The money to pay these owners comes from us. Van Wert county sent $3.7 million to charter owners.

Ms. DeVos never mentioned the children in these city schools. The city schools are just an excuse for charter owners to get hold of the money that is in the public schools and put it into the charter owner’s pockets. I taught there, Ms. DeVos, and there are lovable children there who need an education. Public Schools do it better.