Letter: A monster with no brains

Making sure North Korea tows the line should be the first priority of the United States.

The brat running the country more than likely received everything he ever wanted or threatened to scream forever until he got what he wanted. His parents made a monster with no brain. He wants everyone to bow down to all his wishes and march to the beat of his drum.

This little big man has the power mindset that presents a dangerous dilemma. The North Korean leader wants one thing: to come out on top the winner. He will play a hard bluff. Little big man wants to make first move. In his followers eyes that will make the USA look like cowards and look like he is the winner. And if USA does nothing it will appear USA is scared.

Tell South Korea to evacuate back from the border. Hit North Korea on four sides at once. I see no other way with a person in his frame of mind.

James L. Matson Sr., Wapakoneta