Letters: Forgotten joy of longhand letters

Does anyone remember how good it felt to receive a hand-written letter in the mail from a friend or loved one? How long has it been since you received or sent one to someone? Technology has its great points, but it can control us. We no longer have the need for pen pals because social media gives us a chance to meet hundreds of people through it, but the excitement is gone. The value of a letter is no longer what it use to be.

Please take it upon yourself to write a hand-written letter to a family member, a friend, a stranger, or someone who you would like to get to know better. Find a way to get their address and send it to them. See how good it makes you feel. It can also be a great healing tool.

I challenge you to do this. To step out of the box that we have imprisoned ourselves to and return to some of the oldest, truest values of life. I’m going to write 2-4 a day and send them.

I am going to be writing a book about the importance of bringing back simple gestures of humanity. It will be a collection of these letters that I hope spread worldwide. Share yours. It will be called “Letters of Love.”

Please feel free to get hold of me. https://www.facebook.com/trish.yarbrough.9

Trish Yarbrough, Lima