Letter: Regarding the heartbeat bill

Let’s look at a third side to the heartbeat bill.

Jesus says “I knew you before I put you in your mother’s womb. I have a plan for your life. My thoughts toward you are only good.” When He made Adam, He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. That was when we got the image of God. Adam could hear and talk with God. When God made animals, He didn’t do this. They are not in His image. God and man now procreate through sex which was God’s idea. When the sperm and egg meet, life is formed. God chooses the life to come forth; one or more. Call him embryo, fetus, kidney bean, etc, he now has all the DNA needed to determine gender, curly / straight hair, eye / skin color, freckles or not, beauty marks; has everything. He only needs love and character which is what daddies and mommies supply.

God has a plan for every baby and that plan begins when the sperm and egg meet. If nature alters that, it’s a miscarriage. If the baby’s aborted, it is not! To say a career, too many children, education is more important, either precaution should be taken or allow childless parents to have a chance to love your little tykes. No matter how small, there is life, DNA, thus a baby.

A T-shirt I saw recently says it best: The only people who want abortion are those who have been born!

Jane Duling, Columbus Grove