Letter: Dems fail in 3 areas

On the Sunday before the election, The Lima News had on the front page pastors from Lima holding a rally at Civic Center to support Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. This was very disappointing to me being a Christian, why pastors would march their flock to a District Court of Appeals building to vote straight Democrat.

Here are three reasons why voting for Hillary and Democrats were wrong for this Christian:

• Hillary Clinton is very pro abortion and for late term abortions. And pastors you have to realize killing God’s creation is not good for the Christian family.

• Hillary supports and endorses homosexuality. This is harming Christian families.

• The Democrats welfare system agenda allows the father to be taken out of the house to break the family apart so the government can control them, as you can see so clearly happening in Detroit and Chicago.

And councilman Derry Glenn, I don’t think God is going to answer our prayers to stop the shootings until the Democratic Party quits supporting abortion, homosexuality and the welfare system.

Glen Lewis, Lima