Letter: Never saw God at a voting booth

A recent columnist wrote about the evangelical support that Donald Trump received in this most recent election. He wrote that most of America may be surprised, but evangelicals certainly were not surprised by the election results because they believe in the power of prayer and how they prayed for the outcome by the millions.

What was even more surprising was that this writer was a former law enforcement officer supporting a self-declared sexual predator and an individual who, despite DNA evidence and a confession by the actual perpetrator, still demanded that the Central Park Five were still guilty as charged after their release several years into their false conviction.

I am truly fascinated by those that think God gets directly involved in the political process, but if he does, explain to me the rise of Hitler, Stalin, Castro and Mussolini. Those evangelicals certainly supported an individual that did not believe in loving thy neighbor and in fact pointed to them as being the cause of most of their problems.

At my church, in my youth, that was never taught. His Charitable donations were more illusionary than real and fidelity was an issue throughout his life. At my church in my youth, we were taught to feed and care for the needy. Taking away one’s lifeline to proper health services may be a teaching at your church, but I was never taught that way at my church. We all know that the Almighty can work in mysterious ways. Sometimes we may even ease into the comfort of our everyday lives believing that all of our prayers have been answered, as the columnist concluded. But perhaps instead we are given not necessarily what we have prayed for, but rather, exactly what we deserve.

Charles Thomas, Lima