Letter: When will we fix Social Security?

All wage earners should be deeply concerned about Social Security. It could be broke in 15 years. Social Security is the major source of income for 90 percent of retirees. At the present time the average retiree gets about $1250 per month. This will probably be reduced in the near future.

Our Congress refuses to address this life-changing issue. Congress, by law, removes about 7 percent of your wages for your future. This being said, you may have little or nothing for your future. The reason is simple. Congress has removed funds from Social Security and does little to insure it remains solvent.

To erase this horrific reality you must understand Social Security was always meant to be a savings plan to augment your personal savings. Yet 90 percent of retirees depend on Social Security as they basis for their existence after retirement.

This country in its infancy chose to defy our mother country because England levied a tax on tea. Because we lacked representation we rebelled. Today we are represented and pay for Social Security. The difference is if we paid the tax we got the tea. Now we are represented and paid for Social Security yet we may not get any or at a reduced rate.

I have written our Ohio congressmen and failed to get a single reply.

Both parties are guilty of not caring. Vote out every last one and insist their replacements must fix Social Security so you can live with dignity in retirement.

You have bought and paid for it—now insist on getting it.

Neal Ray, St. Marys