Letter: Jim Jordan concerns this Republican

I am a registered Republican and have already voted for both of my Republican representatives in my district because they are doing things that I like.

Unfortunately, Jim Jordan, you are what is wrong with our country today. Today the headline reads block and resist. I watched your performance during the Congressional inquiry and did not like what I saw. I don’t care who is president, it starts with our senators and representatives. Have you not seen how angry the people in the country are? You are one of the ones creating this anger.

I would expect a Christian man that you purport yourself to be, to be working across the aisle trying to get people working together. Please, for the sake of our country, would you consider to be more amenable and less judgmental and get to work for us people that are voting for you to do the job. It seems to me that your main goal is to divide and tell your party what they want to hear so you can get reelected.

Sharon Horstman, Fort Jennings