Letter: This retired Army officer cannot vote Hillary

I am no fan of either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. I do intend to vote however, and disregarding the mudslinging and innuendos, I will vote my convictions.

I cannot vote for a candidate who supports abortions including partial birth abortions and expects me to pay for them with my tax dollars. I cannot vote for a candidate who will appoint Supreme Court justices who disrespect the US Constitution by inserting language into their decisions that simply doesn’t exist in the Constitution itself thus twisting the document to fit their agenda. Finally, as a retired Army officer who has put my life on the line for this country many times, I take safeguarding of our nation’s security by protecting Security Classified materials very seriously; thus I cannot vote for a candidate who carelessly and deliberately fails to protect Security Classified documents from possible disclosure to our nation’s enemies.

Please do not cast your vote based on a “Bumper Sticker” slogan. Do your research and then vote your own personal convictions based on the issues important to you.

Chuck Andeson, Elida