Letter: Media, Facebook, TV ads and Trump

The media we already know is biased to the left. Ballots have been electronically changed from Republican to Democratic right in front of the people voting, according to Facebook posts. Do not believe the alleged poll results they are inaccurate and misleading. Friends, we cannot sit by and watch this election be stolen from us, the deplorable.

This is probably the most crucial election for our country right now in so many ways. From national security to a better economy, from illegal immigrants taking your jobs to our Constitutional rights. We need to get the professional politicians out of Washington and put the power back in the hands of the American people where it belongs.

Yes, the millions of dollars of TV ads glorifying Hillary are overwhelming. Paid for by Wall Street, superpacs, corporate lobbyists, special interest groups and from foreign governments i.e. $12 million from the King of Morocco. The super-rich who like it just the way it is, in their hands. How can she fight for us when she’s sold out to them?

The country has been demanding change for a long time now and Donald Trump has answered that call. He is doing better in the polls than has been reported, people resonate with what he is saying, his plans make good sense, and he is a successful business guru who can get our tremendous debt down, bring jobs back to the US, get rid for bad trade deals, support our veterans and strengthen the military.

This election is still up for grabs and we need to hold on tight to the reins.

Randy P. Gratz, Lima