Letter: Two faces of Hillary is scary

With only days until the election, Hillary Clinton and the media are trying their best to make Donald Trump out to be a sexist megalomaniac womanizer while at the same time promoting Hillary Clinton as a righteous champion and defender of women and children.

Try telling that to Kathy Shelton. Back in 1975 when Kathy was 12 years old, Kathy was raped by a 41-year-old man named Thomas Alfred Taylor. Hillary Clinton, who was a defense lawyer at the time, called Kathy Shelton a pathological liar and helped Taylor get acquitted to a lesser charge. Years later while being interviewed, Hillary was asked about the case and laughed about it.

Still later when Hillary’s husband Bill was president, several women such a Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, and Monica Lewinsky (to name a few) came forward to say that Bill Clinton had sex with them. Hillary called each of these women liars and other names.

Now that Donald Trump is being accused of sexual misconduct, Hillary Clinton supports Trump’s accusers. Talk about hypocrisy! If Hillary is so righteous and a champion and defender of women and children, then why does she accept money from foreign nations who don’t allow women to drive a car and are treated like second class citizens? Why does Hillary support same sex marriage and partial birth abortion? These are questions that need to be asked and why American should vote for Donald Trump instead.

David Luke Jr., Lima