Letter: Many of us women supporting Trump

I am tired of whining crybaby women on the left and followers of Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton’s husband did a lot worse to women right in the White House.

Trump didn’t do or say anything more than most other men. Even so called Christian men have made remarks about women that they shouldn’t have said. And our young people hear bad words and bad names every day because they hear bad words at home.

I’m a wife, mother and grandma. Trump doesn’t offend me at all. It’s Hillary Clinton that offends me as a woman. All she wants is power. She doesn’t care about women, our children, or our military sons and daughters at all. She let them get killed in Bengahzi!

All Clinton and the Dems want is power to control your life. They don’t have big hearts and are not looking out for any of you. With Hillary Clinton, America will lose every freedom we have. Hillary will continue the downfall of America that Obama already started eight years ago.

So wake up you everyday average American Democrats. Your party is not the same party as your parents or grandparents’ party was. The same as my party the Republican Party is not the same party as it used to be. America needs a complete overhaul in Washington in both parties. Someone needs to tell those politicians in Washington, “you’re fired.” “We the people” need to send a message to both parties by voting for an outsider of Washington — Donald Trump.

Jane Painter, Lima