Letter: Fight for freedom; fight Hillary Clinton

Early Wiki leak emails show that Hillary Clinton believes in a One World Government; she dislikes everyday people. She is racist against the people she desperately needs their votes to win.

She believes in international open markets and open boarders. She wants big bankers to use their money to influence Senators.

Qatar is the worst in the region in counter-terrorism efforts. The government has funded terrorist organizations. Hillary just moved $1.8 billion from the Clinton Foundation to Qatar Central Bank.

Accepting Syrian refugees was a mistake. The crisis is slowly destroying Europe and causing rise in violence, sexual assaults and unrest.

There is a HBO film Hacking Democracy that shows how elections can be rigged. Social Media reports of votes being automatically switched from Trump to Clinton are flooding in as early voting continues in 37 States. Texas is switching back to paper ballets.

We must continue to fight for our freedom so those who had fought and died for it do not die in vain.

Susan Brady, Lima