Letter: Two good candidates, my choice Schroeder

The election is fast approaching and I have a few words to say in regards to the next judge for Putnam County Common Pleas Court.

First, I should mention that I have personal experience with both candidates. Mr. Schierloh was my attorney in a custody case and Mr. Schroeder was the prosecutor when my sons were murdered. Both cases came out as well as they could have and I respect both men as attorneys. However, I feel that Todd Schroeder is the clear choice for judge.

When dealing with the case against my sons’ murderer, Todd was always well-prepared, compassionate, always took the time to fully explain each stage of the proceedings, and was empathetic to how devastating of an event that was for me and my family. Mr. Schroeder fully dedicated himself to achieving justice for myself and the community, and always considered my wishes throughout the case.

Todd Schroeder has far more experience not only in the courtroom but also in many areas of law. Mr. Schroeder teaches law classes at a college level, gives presentations in the community, and even helps review, write, and update laws at a state level. Much of this work is done on a volunteer basis because he has a passion for law and educating others regarding law. All that hard work and dedication should speak to voters about his dedication to Putnam County.

Todd Schroeder has consistently gone above and beyond and I believe that’s what he would do for Putnam County and the Common Pleas Court.

Michelle “Shellie” Grothause, Pandora