Letter: Quit walking in your sleep

I received great news from my insurance company the other day. My premiums will be increased substantially again next year. If that wasn’t enough, my doctor dropped my insurance two months before I was notified. I have to have a surgery and though my deductible has been met my doctor will be billed as “out of network.” I also must meet an additional “out of network” deductible!

The Affordable Care Act is clearly not affordable. Then I sit down to watch television and see a clip of yet another American kidnapped and killed in a parking lot by an illegal immigrant. This girl had just graduated from high school just days before and had simply gone to the store to buy a birthday present!

There are 100 reasons to vote for Donald Trump and 100 reasons not to vote for Hillary Clinton.

She portrays herself as a person who loves children. Thirty-five years later she’s still laughing at how she was able to get a child rapist off with very little time served. She accused the little girl of initiating the attack and labeled her as “emotionally unstable.” Google “The Hillary Tapes” and read the entire transcript.

Wake up, America! Have we become a nation of sleepwalkers who kill our young? Donald Trump is our clear choice for president.

Vicki Grimm, St Marys