Letter: Jordan should stand up to Trump

After watching Donald Trump’s numerous speeches about the immigration policy of this country, I am amazed that our local congressman hasn’t risen from beneath his desk, where he finds solace each time he hears the name Donald Trump. Perhaps if he did so, he would remind that individual that most recent mass killings were executed by someone other than immigrants.

Remind him about Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma bomber, remind him of Dylan Roof, the Charleston church shooter, remind him of Adam Lanza from Newtown, and of course there was James Holmes, the theater shooter.

Perhaps you might even mention that Omar Mateen was born in New York and that Nadil Hassan, the Fort Hood shooter, was born in Virginia. Perhaps when we build that wall we can stop that old internet from reaching us as well….. hello, Congressman, are you there? Hello? Hello?

Charles Thomas
