Letter: Wind turbines for Allen County?

Over the past week, hundreds of yard signs have appeared throughout the county that say, “No Turbines, www.saveourskylineohio.com” Residents have united to show opposition to the Apex Clean Energy wind transmission line that would end at the Sellers Road substation. The line was projected to begin with the upcoming 660-foot tall turbines on a 35,000 acre wind site, in southern Van Wert County. Much land along Kemp Road has already been leased for this line. Even though the port authority denied permission to utilize the railroad, Apex has stated it will pursue an alternate route to this substation.

Why would a wind company desire to utilize a substation that is 26 miles away from their projected industrial wind site?

We believe that the wind industry desires to build within Allen County and this is a quiet way to enter our county. A transmission line is an attractive enticement for wind developers. Alternate House Bill 190 has been proposed by Ohio Representatives Tim Brown and Tony Burkley. It will be discussed after their summer break ends. This bill would create a wind corridor through approximately 25 Ohio counties, with Allen County sitting in the middle of it. The corridor would allow turbines closer to your homes than what the law currently allows. We call this trespass zoning as it prohibits you from safely enjoying parts of your property. It also extends lucrative tax benefits for the developers. Wind energy lobbyists are constantly working on our legislators to make their sites easier to build because each wind site is worth hundreds of millions of dollars to the developers.

Numerous residents of Allen County are opposed to the siting of industrial wind projects within our county. We oppose the property devaluation, health and noise issues, increasing electricity rates and community division that come with these projects. If you agree, please let our legislators know that you too oppose the creation of a wind corridor through Allen County.

— Dawn Davis, Spencerville