Letter: Truman made the right call

During a recent trip to Japan, President Obama made a visit to Hiroshima, site of the first atomic boom dropped on an enemy combatant.

Although he did not apologize, he reminded everyone how horrific that the “death from the sky” event was. The reason that the bomb was dropped was in response to the cowardly attack on U.S. forces by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941. If the U.S. had gotten into a land war with Japan, it would have lasted for years and countless American lives would have been lost.

President Harry Truman made the right call by ordering the bombing. After not “getting the memo” after the first bomb, Truman ordered the dropping of the second atomic bomb on Nagasaki three days later. At that point, the Japanese could not wait to get their hands on pens to sign the peace treaty on the battleship Missouri.

I think Obama’s time would have been better spent going to Pearl Harbor to honor the memory of the American Service Members who were killed and wounded there. The good news is as of next January, he will no longer be president and where he goes and what he does will not matter.

— Victor Arnett, Lima