Letter: Lima News reports miracle

I doubt that many noticed it, but a minor miracle was announced in Tuesday’s Lima News.

Of the seven births that occurred in the two Lima hospitals on April 8 and April 9, every baby had a pair of parents who shared the same last name.

I’ll admit to being of another generation, but I recall a time when it was a community scandal for a child to be born to an unwed mother. We’ve come a long way, I guess. And apparently many of today’s young folks have never learned how to feel ashamed or embarrassed.

And for those of you who do not care enough about your baby to marry the child’s other parent, I hope you feel really proud of yourselves. But have no fear, if you cannot afford to feed or care for your child, you can always count on the taxpayers (also known as the government) to come through. In fact, you may even be better off financially than you would be if you had done it the old fashioned way.

But don’t blush. Do you even know how?

— Jake Little, Lima