Letter: Husted, Lima News wrong about purge

An editorial by The Lima News on April 9 supported Secretary of State John Husted’s removal from the voting roles of people who hadn’t voted in the last seven years. The editorial stated the importance of maintaining accurate voter roles.

However, the Akron Beacon Journal stated more than 2,000 people who attempted to vote in the most recent election in just two counties in Ohio, had their ballots rejected because they had been “purged” from the roles.

I understand there may be a need to eliminate deceased voters from the roles as well as verified duplicates. However, to remove people who simply haven’t voted in the last eight years is just wrong. Who is to say the next time it won’t be three years?

I feel confident the U.S. District Court will find both John Husted and The Lima News are incorrect on this issue.

— John Fanger, Lima