Letter: 20 ways to ease your mind

I’d like to share 20 ways to make your day easier:

1. When you find that you are alive, say, “I’m here. I’m alive and breathing”.

2. Give God thanks. Say to yourself, “I’m here and I’m going to have a good day.” Say it over and over, let it become a part of you.

3. Help yourself by helping someone else if you can. Help them physically, help them spiritually, pray for them.

4. Smile. This is the best medicine that can be given by any doctor.

5. Think of someone worse than you and say, “Thank you God, I can and I will.”

6. Tell someone how great God is to you.

7. Stop worrying. What will be, will be.

8. Instead of worrying, pray.

9. Don’t know how to pray, ask God. Just say, “Help me God.”

10. Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated.

11. Smile, Smile, Smile – less wrinkles.

12. Give someone a hug.

13. Tell someone you love them (and mean it).

14. Speak to everyone (with a smile).

15. Do a good deed. Help someone help themselves.

16. Tell someone I am here, call me if you need me (mean it).

17. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, there is someone worse than you.

18. Stop your pitty party.

19. Look around you and count your blessings. If you do, you don’t have time to feel sorry for yourself.

20. When you fall down, always look up.

— Lessie Long, Lima