Letter: Same old song: ‘It’s for the kids’

It sounds like a new verse to the same old song titled, “It’s For The Kids/Save Our Schools.”

Let’s take a little stroll down memory lane:

• If we would just pass a lottery, all of the school financial problems would be solved. How did that work? OK. OK. This time it’s for real.

• We will vote for the casinos, that will fix it, but we found out that wishful thinking wouldn’t take us very far.

• Let’s try this. Let’s build all new school buildings, then industries will stand in line to locate here and provide many high paying jobs.

Are you getting a little dose of grim reality yet? And so on and so on as I am sure that I missed a few verses that you can remember. Oh, how could we have been so blind. The answer is right in front of our eyes (for the next 25 years.) It’s blowing in the wind! Yes, let’s build behemoth industrial wind sites, pay for them with money we don’t have , and stick the next generation with the bill. Those kids won’t know what hit them until we are long gone. Let’s get high (660 feet), rock and roll, problem solved, party time.

— Barry Crone, Citizens for Clear Skies, Van Wert