Turn lemons into lemonade

I have some suggestions to appease the Allen East students who had a recent sit-in in support of Mr. Dellifield, their band director. First, when you’re given lemons turn them into lemonade. In other words, turn a negative into a positive. Request the superintendent to have a town hall meeting with them.

The students would be given index cards to write their name and one question to ask at the town hall session. This should only be for seventh and eighth grade and high school band members. The cards should all be sorted by the guidance counselors and filtered to seek the best ones. This could be accomplished during band period.

Choose enough questions for a one-hour session. The guidance counselors could direct the students and make some rules to follow. It could be done in the gym with students on the floor.

The band mothers could provide cookies from volunteers and popcorn. Offer the students a bag of corn and two cookies. This could be a reward for the students who should be honored for demonstrating their First Amendment rights by having a peaceful sit in. Their good behavior was adult-like compared to some of our political campaign candidates in our current politics.

The recent articles in The Lima News about the Allen East School and community reflect bewilderment and disappointment. It takes equal amounts of talking and listening to achieve good communication. Keep seeking solutions. I was disappointed that the present superintendent chose not to meet with the students. It could have been an opportunity to smooth things over and get him better acquainted with the students. They certainly are adult enough to handle it….in my opinion.

— Sue Hover, Allen East Learning Disability teacher (retired)

Letter: Turn Allen East lemons into lemonade