Letter: GOP looks in mirror, sees Trump

It’s amazing to watch all the hand-wringing and faux outrage by the establishment GOP at the prospect of a Donald Trump nomination. They can’t believe what Trump is saying and doing on the campaign trail.

Are you kidding me?

All Trump is doing is actually putting into words what the GOP has been saying, in coded language, for the last 7 years. For the last 7 years the GOP has said, and allowed to be said, coded language that calls the current president everything but the “N” word.

These actions have only instilled an attitude of hatred and loathing among the GOP rank and file for anybody who isn’t them. And now the GOP Establishment can’t figure out why people would support a person that is using the same tactics. Oh, and by the way, if Trump is the GOP nominee, the GOP Establishment will all get in lock-step and vote for him.

— Larry Donaldson, Elida