Letter: Good guys with guns

At first, I thought I was reading a satire piece when I read: “Want biker gangs? Vote for Huffman”…then I realized I was reading the words of “Chicken Little” AKA Bo Huenke.

Wake-up Bo, tens of thousands of Ohioans are carrying concealed firearms practically everywhere you go, every day. When was the last time you witnessed a “wild west” shootout? Where are the shootings perpetrated by “vigilante patriots”? You accidentally make a statement that reinforces the concealed carry argument: “No one will know who the good guys are”…that’s the point!cc

It is a proven fact that crime is reduced in cities and states (including Ohio) where concealed carry has become law. Using a firearm to perpetrate a crime is no longer a “sure thing” when the intended victim or someone in close proximity may also have a firearm. “Good guys with guns” save their own lives & the lives of others every day. You may not realize this, because the Main Stream Media, controlled by liberals, fail to report it. Nevertheless, these incidents occur thousands of times a year. Your fear-mongering letter is ten years too late.

— Steven Burkholder, Lima