Letter: Not the Putnam County I knew?

I am not one to pickup my pen every time someone writes something that I may not agree with or believes is not true. However, I feel it is time to do so.

I lived in Putnam County for 20 years the first time and moved away for employment purposes and when it was time to retire I wanted to come back home to be with my family. I love the rural setting of Putnam County and the closeness of all the people. When someone is in the time of need, we all pitch in to help. I have been back for over four years now and this election season I am seeing something that I never thought would happen in this county — negative campaigning, writing letters, sending texts messages and emails damaging the character of some candidates and elected officials .This hurts! I wish they would research the truth thoroughly before making these damaging remarks. The people running for office and those already elected are trying to improve our communities and make this a better place to live and work. Run for public office. See if you can please everyone.

One letter that has been circulating that disturbs me is the negative comments made about our Mayor Ken Wright of Columbus Grove. There isn’t a harder working, more honest and conservative person that has the citizens at the center of his heart than Mayor Wright. I have known him the entire time that I have lived and worked in this community. He has not served in his position for personal gain.

I apologize Mayor Wright for the negative remarks these people have written about you. I want you to know that not all of us feel that way.

— David B. King, Columbus Grove