Letter: The Shutts, ONU — thanks, and Merry Christmas!

The ONU Holiday Spectacular has once again dazzled Lima audiences! After 21 years in Lima, these performances have become a beloved tradition for families to cherish and enjoy together year after year. With its nostalgic sets, lavish costumes, gorgeous music and exceptional choreography, the Spectacular gave Lima residents the opportunity to see a professional quality production for the very reasonable price of $5!

Harry and Myrna Shutt have generously underwritten the show since its inception. What a lovely example of people in our community who shine a light on what the spirit of giving is all about.

I attended the opening performances at ONU and felt the happiness all around me. The children whose faces lit up with wonder, the elderly couple sitting next to me singing along, reminiscing about what these songs have meant to their lives. It was tremendously touching to witness. We need more of that in our city. The Shutt’s inspire us to give more of our hearts to the place that we live.

As a Holiday Spectacular alum, I fondly recall the pride that I felt, bringing a little Christmas magic to my hometown throughout my years performing in the show. I know there are many people in town who share my sentiments about Harry and Myrna. They have brought us more than a little wonder and joy as the years have passed. It’s remarkable how their generosity has changed this city. We should all aspire to bring about such “goodness and light” to our community.

— Sara Chongson, Lima