Letter: Comparisons between Jesus and Trump are easy to find

Dear former President Donald Trump,

The other day when you were going to New Jersey, the host on TV asked a lady what Trump has that thousands of people wanted to see him. You have charisma.

You’re in good company with Jesus. You’re just naturally nice, and people like to be around you. It’s like poor Jesus at the time he walked over to the place and he came back to where he was staying, tired and wanting to relax. People could spot him Him a mile away and started to visit with him. He’s so patient!

I wish people would realize how friendly and nice Jesus is and not be so afraid of Him. He’s bigger than any problem. He’s bigger than sin.

It brings me to tears when I’ll finally meet Him face to face. You’ll know it’s love and happiness and forever, for family, friends, pets and even dinosaurs.

President Trump, lots of God’s luck to your coming presidency. I’ll see you around. Stay health and strong. We love you. USA! USA! USA! From your fellow American.

Julia McIntosh



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